Sunday, February 7, 2010

About Me- Enthusiast Blog

I am a 20-year-old rattie enthusiast and currently the mommy of two furry babies. I first fell in love with the little hands and feet of ratties when I was 17- on my first day as a PetSmart employee. Many things have changed since that fateful day, for instance, I now work for the competition. Although my life has changed a lot, I have carried my love for all things rattie with me throughout the years. My first rattie was that special companion that everyone has once in their life, the one that will be waiting on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge (for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, I will post a link to this beautiful story in one of my first posts). Her name was Chloe, and it was with her that I ventured into the world of all things rattie. Since the day I brought Chloe home, I have become somewhat of a rattie connoisseur, soaking up all the knowledge I can find through the internet and whatever books I can find on our little fur friends. It is this knowledge, as well as my everyday experiences at work and at home, that I hope to share through Rat Tails.

This is my first draft of my about me. I am kind of worried that my classmates will think that I'm weird, but at the same time as I said I have been looking at rat information online for years and this is the kind of voice/tone that I have related to in the past. I want to appeal to people like me who need more guidance or even just entertainment from the rattie world ("rattie" is a term that most rat lovers use to make the distinction between wild and pet rats). I want the people who read this to realize that I have a lot of experience with rats so that they know later, when I begin to post to the blog, that my sometimes strong opinions are grounded. I hope that people who read this will relate to me and my experiences, and take my advice seriously.

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